KIIS 2007, Course material etc.

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[MN] Michael Negnevitsky: Artificial Intelligence, A Guide to Intelligent systems, 2nd edition Addison-Wesley, 2004.
Is ordered for RUC's book store; see also Amazon.
See also author's home page; find link here.

[HC1] Henning Christiansen: Introduction to Prolog as a database language, RUC, 2006
Available as pdf

[AT] Alan Turing: Computing machinery and intelligence, 1950
Available at

[WRZA] Kiong Siew Wai, Abd. Latif B. Abdul Rahman, Mohd Fairuz Zaiyadi, Azwan Abd Aziz: Expert System in Real World Applications, 2005.

Henning Christiansen: Natural language analysis with DCG and HYPROLOG, Roskilde University, 2007 (NB: revised 19-oct-2007).

Henning Christiansen: Examples and exercises for conditional probabilities and Bayesian reasoning, Roskilde University, 2007 (NB: revised 28-oct-2007).

Henning Christiansen: Logical-Statistical models and parameter learning in the PRISM system, Roskilde University, 2007.

Various small notes

[BNW] Peter Bauer, Stephan Nouak, Roman Winkler: A brief course in Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control.


SICStus Prolog exists in two versions, a version 3 and a version 4, and unfortunately there are incompatibilities especially with respect to the CHR library which is important in this course. Until further notice we will use version 3 since the examples and notes developed for the course are written in this.

SICStus documentation (both versions)

Presentations used in the course

KIIS-IntroLecture.pdf (large and weird file)
PrologWorkshopTalk1.pdf (large and weird file)

Written assignments and additional exercises

Written Assignment 1
An exercise about CHR
Note with exercises about Fuzzy Control
Note with exercises about Neural Networks
Written Assignment 2
Exercise for Evolutionary Computing

Last modification 29-oct-2007, Henning Christiansen