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Class simset.Linkage


public class Linkage
extends java.lang.Object
This class is used for representing the linkages of a circular two-way list.

Class Linkage contains basic linking attributes for forming lists. It is a base class of class Link and class Head.

A Link object represents a list item, whereas a Head object represents the start and end of a list.

See Also:
simset.Link, simset.Head

Constructor Index

 o Linkage()

Method Index

 o pred()
Returns the item in the list before this Linkage.
 o prev()
Returns the Linkage object before this one, whether this is a Link object, a Head object or null.
 o suc()
Returns the item in the list after this Linkage.


 o Linkage
 public Linkage()


 o pred
 public final simset.Link pred()
Returns the item in the list before this Linkage.

If this Linkage is a Link, its predecessor item in the list is returned. If this Linkage is a Head, the last item in the list is returned.
 o suc
 public final simset.Link suc()
Returns the item in the list after this Linkage.

If this Linkage is a Link, its predecessor item in the list is returned. If this Linkage is a Head, the first item in the list is returned.
 o prev
 public final simset.Linkage prev()
Returns the Linkage object before this one, whether this is a Link object, a Head object or null.

If this Linkage is a Link and not a member of any list, null is returned. If this Linkage is the first item in a list, the corresponding Head object. If this Linkage is a Head, the last item in the list.

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