All Packages  Class Hierarchy

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Index of all Fields and Methods


cardinal(). Method in class simset.Head
Returns the number of items currently in this list.
clear(). Method in class simset.Head
Removes all items from this list.


empty(). Method in class simset.Head
Tests if this list is empty.


first(). Method in class simset.Head
Returns the first item in this list.
follow(Linkage). Method in class simset.Link
Inserts this item after a specified item.


Head(). Constructor for class simset.Head


into(Head). Method in class simset.Link
Inserts this item as the last member of a list.


last(). Method in class simset.Head
Returns the last item in this list.
Link(). Constructor for class simset.Link
Linkage(). Constructor for class simset.Linkage


out(). Method in class simset.Link
Removes this item from the list (if any) that it is currently in.


precede(Linkage). Method in class simset.Link
Inserts this item before a specified item.
pred(). Method in class simset.Linkage
Returns the item in the list before this Linkage.
prev(). Method in class simset.Linkage
Returns the Linkage object before this one, whether this is a Link object, a Head object or null.


suc(). Method in class simset.Linkage
Returns the item in the list after this Linkage.