Scientific applications of LKH

M. Abdel-Basset ,R. Mohamed, K. M. Sallam, and R. K. Chakrabortty,
An Efficient-Assembler Whale Optimization Algorithm for DNA Fragment
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IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 222144-222167, 2020.

F. Abedi, D. W. Morris, J. Rezaee, and M. R. Salarian,
Cayley graphs of order 8pq are hamiltonian.
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N. Absi and C. Archetti and S. Dauzère-Pérès and D. Feillet, and B. Ahrens,
A two-phase iterative heuristic approach for the Production Routing Problem.
Working Papers, University of Brescia, WPDEM 2013/8, 2013.

L. Accorsi and D. Vigo,
A Fast and Scalable Heuristic for the Solution of Large-Scale Capacitated
Vehicle Routing Problems
Research report, OR-20-2, University of Bologna, 2020.

L. Accorsi,
Innovative Hybrid Approaches for Vehicle Routing Problems.
Ph.D. thesis, Univesity of Bologna, 2022.

R. Aciu and H. Ciocarlie,
G-code optimization algorithm and its application on printed circuit board drilling.
9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and
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P. Agarwal, D. Bagchi, T. Rambha, and V. Pandey,
A Bi-criterion Steiner Traveling Salesperson Problem with Time Windows
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S. Agarwal and S. Akella,
The Single Robot Line Coverage Problem: Theory, Algorithms and Experiments.

C. Ahmed, A. Forel, A. Parmentier, and T. Vidal
DistrictNet: Decision-aware learning for geographical districting.
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B. Ahrens,
A tour construction framework for the travelling salesman problem.
Ph.D. thesis, Nova Southeastern University, 2012.

R. K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, J. B. Orlin, and A. P. Punnen,
A survey of very large scale neighborhood search techniques.
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K. Akbudak, E. Kayaaslan, and C. Aykanat,
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Maximising overlap score in DNA sequence assembly problem by Stochastic
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K. Alexis, C. Papachristos, and R. Siegwart,
Uniform coverage structural inspection path–planning for micro aerial vehicles.
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2015.

K. Alexis, G. Darivianakis, M. Burri, and Roland Siegwart,
Aerial robotic contact-based inspection: planning and control.
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Z. A. Allen,
Use of traveling salesman problem solvers in the construction of genetic linkage maps.
M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, 2015.

M. Allaoui, B. Ahiod, and M. El Yafrani,
A hybrid crow search algorithm for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem.
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R. Almadhoun, T. Taha, L. Seneviratne, J. Dias, and G. Cai,
A survey on inspecting structures using robotic systems.
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R. Almadhoun, T. Taha, D. Gan, J. Dias, Y. Zweiri, and L. Seneviratne,
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R. Almadhoun, T. Taha, J. Dias, L. Seneviratne, and Y. Zweiri,
Coverage Path Planning for Complex Structures Inspection Using Unmanned
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C. Archetti, D. Feillet, A. Mor, and M. G. Speranza,
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