Finite Tree Automata (FTA) determinisation Usage: java -jar determinise.jar [-help][-h] java -jar determinise.jar [-text][-dc][-show][-any][-datalog][-o ] -help, -h -- print this message and ignore any other arguments -text -- use the textbook algorithm (default is optimised algorithm) -any -- compute complete DFTA (default is no completion) -dc -- compute don't cares (default is no don't cares). Option ignored if '-any' not present. -show -- display output (default is no display) -o -- send output to file -datalog -- write output in Datalog format Reference An Optimised Algorithm for Determinisation and Completion of Finite Tree Automata. by John P. Gallagher, Mai Ajspur and Bishoksan Kafle. September 2014, Roskilde University Computer Science Research Report #145 Contact.