KIIS: Written assignment, part 2

While the first part of the written assignments consisted of fixed exercises to train Prolog, the second part involves an individual choice of topic involving some AI application.
You should agree on the choice of topic with your teacher before you start. It is acceptable to work together 2-3 students on a topic, but the written answers must be written and given in individually.

You should give in a written report of 4 to 7 pages at latest by November 11, 2007. Send it as an email attachement as a single file (preferably pdf, alternatively Word, and no separate program or data files, please!).
If your text tends to be a bit longer that the 7 pages, don't spend lot of time to abbreviate it, but you should be take care to limit the level of ambition so that the assignment does not explode in time.

You are expected to give a short presentation (e.g. using powerpoint) for the other students (and your teacher) at the last regular course day, November 13. In case of related answers on a common topic, you can prepare a common presentation in a way such that everyone contributes.

Here are some possible topics.

  1. Write a small and illustrative application using the tools, we have used (or will use) in the course, but for another example or application than those we looked at already in examples and exercises. For example:
  2. Explain some existing tool for one of the tasks we have looked at in the course (possibly more practical or more efficient than the methods we have used). Test in on some very simple example - maybe chosing from the course examples and exercises so you can make a comparison.
  3. If you have an interest in, and preferably some background knowledge, you are welcome to consider any other AI related topic (but discuss with your teacher and agree on the subject beforehand),
Timing: We should aim at that most student hare identified their topic and perhaps started working by October 16, and all students by October 23.

Last modification 09-oct-2007, Henning Christiansen